Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Secret of Magick~What Is It & How can I Use It in Everyday Life?
What IS Magick?
There are many varieties and paths of practicing or harnessing this thing we call magick. Around the world and for untold thousands of years a myriad variations have evolved and developed.
Enochian Magick, Egyptian Magick, Goetian Magick, Western Ritual Magick, Eastern Mystic Magick, Voodoo/Vodou/Vodun, Kabbalah, Earth Magicks, Wicca, Etc.... A near infinite list. What these all share at their very basic core is the intent to create change or effect in some manner through the manipulation of energy, be it spiritual energy, psychic energy, physical energy, subtle energy, divine energy, etc...
So what is Magick?
Magick is a universal power principle that underlies and intertwines all that surrounds us. Subtle or hidden levels of energies and powers that swirl and eddy between planes, Astral, Spiritual, Physical, sometimes confined to one, other times transcending the barriers between realms.
Learn to draw on and utilize these elemental powers to create the life you deserve, to inspire and to empower you, to help you realize your purpose in this incarnation! We are here for you, to aid you on this journey in anyway we can!
Aleister Crowley defined magick as "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will."
Magick in essence is the use and control of natural and 'super' natural or preternatural energies or power through Will and concentration, or rather concentration of Will, to produce and effect a desired change, to manifest a result. Many levels of these subtle and not so subtle energies exist within the Universe. When we do magick we have Intent, intent to create an effect or manifest change on ourselves, another, a situation, etc... by using these various subtle or underlying hidden energies and powers.
The casting of a Spell is the focusing of Intent through the Will of the Practitioner towards manifesting a certain goal or outcome. The Summoning of a Spirit is the focus and force of our Will upon the Spirit to answer and do our bidding. Magickal Rituals create a concentrated focus of the Magickan's Will to access and harness Universal powers to manifest desired results. A simplistic explanation of Magick practice to be sure, but hopefully one that explains a bit about what this thing called 'magick' really is.
Do YOU need to know and practice complicated rituals to reap the benefits of Magick?
You can utilize things such as Spells, Magickals, Energetics and the like that are created by the 'practiced' Practitioner. Our Will and intent as Practitioners are focused on you, and for you, to create the change YOU desire! The Spells, Spelled or Enchanted jewelry, objects, etc... will infuse their imbued powers and energies to you creating your desired outcome
When you purchase a Spell, Enchanted or Spirited Item, or Magickal from us or another, all the work is done for you!
You just need to reap the benefits!
If you wish you can practice your own simple magicks using the associations of candle colors, incense scents or stones and crystals. These are all simple yet not simplistic ways for you to practice magick yourself. This type of magick is usually called correspondence or associative magick. Each stone, scent or color has a corresponding attribute that can be accessed.
Candle magick is one of the oldest forms of magick still being practiced. Burning a candle in a specific color with a specific association to a deity, planetary association, or correspondence draws the powers of those into your life. Many times we will ask you to burn a candle in a small ceremony to welcome a new Spirit Companion to your home.
It is the same with crystals and gem stones. Simply wearing a talisman made from a certain stone can give many results aside from any enchantments cast on it. All stones, gems and crystals have their own unique energies and powers that can be used to influence differing occult functions. Many contain properties of healing, wealth attraction or protection while others are used to increase divination and spiritual communication.
So magick can be as complicated or simple as you wish it.
Who knows? You may like it so much you might decide to become a 'Witch' yourself!
However you choose to proceed with Magick, making it a part of your daily life can truly change your life for the better in so many ways!
You will wonder how you could have waited so long to utilize it's powers!
All my life people have told me "how lucky I am" or that I must have an "angel on my shoulder". I usually just smile and say yes, I am lucky aren't I.
Do you want to be one of the "lucky" ones, the "charmed" ones?
Then let Magick ignite your innate powers of Attraction, strengthen your Will and aide you in your life's path and you will see whole new worlds of opportunity open up before you as your desires manifest and become reality!

Become MORE! Become a happier more fulfilled person! Become one of those special people that others look at with envy and say "how lucky and charmed you are! What's your secret?"
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Free Tarot Reading! What's in Your Cards?
free tarot readings
We are a group of seekers and practitioners that have bound together to provide you with only the finest in the magickal, paranormal and metaphysical fields. Many of our offerings can work together to enhance your life experience and bring about your cosmic growth both as an individual and as a part of the eternal flow.
A_NEW_GOLDEN_DAWN - providing vintage and antique spirited vessels, energetics and magickals from the estate of her Grandmother Ora, to whom this site is dedicated. Also offered on occasion are occult objects, as well as items of a paranormal or haunted nature from various estates.
Aunt Maeve's Magickals - Spells and potions worked by a near 100 year old practioner of the Old Earth Magicks, Mistress of the Voodoo Arts and Priestess of Hermetic Magicks.
TheDarkNecro - A Magickan descended from a long line of Necromancers. A powerful practitioner of the Darker Arts, conjurer, and worker of all facets of the Universal Duality. For Demons and other entities of the Dark Arts as well as custom bindings and conjurations DN is the one to call on.
Treasures_from_the_Mystic_World - A large extended family of practitioners that can provide all manner of energetic and spirit bound vessels including those of pure White Light, the Darker Arts and those of Duality. Fae Folk, Djinn, Vampires and Demons are all specialities of various members of this family coven.
Silver_Cup - 'D' is an Intuitive Psychic that provides Tarot and Life Readings as well as offering special items he obtains from other collectors of the paranormal.
Treasures_from_the_Mystic_World - A large extended family of practitioners that can provide all manner of energetic and spirit bound vessels including those of pure White Light, the Darker Arts and those of Duality. Fae Folk, Djinn, Vampires and Demons are all specialities of various members of this family coven.
Silver_Cup - 'D' is an Intuitive Psychic that provides Tarot and Life Readings as well as offering special items he obtains from other collectors of the paranormal.
Old_Blue_Dog - A fantastic collection of vintage occult objects and magickals from around the globe.
VooDoo_Belle - A 5th generation 'Mambo' practitioner of the traditional Southern US Voodoo/hoodoo and Voudon Arts offering hexes, potions, Ju Ju jars and bags, love, revenge and counteracting/reversing spells. etc...
Crimson_Moon_Vampires - Special offerings from a lifelong student of Vampire culture and history, a worker of Vampiric Magicks, and a collector extraordinaire of vintage vampire energetics and magickals. If your interest is in acquiring a true Vampire companion or in learning to utilize some degree of vampiric powers, then Elizabeth can assist you.
Mistress_Shalimar - Offerings of an adult, more dual nature with an emphasis on Sex Magicks, Spirits of a more sensual, sexual nature, such as Incubi and Succubi as well as potions and spells designed for sexual enhancements. Custom conjured sex entities tailored to your specific needs and desires are a speciality-heterosexual-homosexual-bisexual-transsexual-fetish-S & M-B & D, etc...
Magickal_Cabinet_Of_Curiousities - Arcane, esoteric, and rare occult and religious artifacts from around the world. A broad range of antiquities, tribal, historical, magickal and amazing!
Dorian_Grey's_Haunted_Art - A collector of haunted or spirit attached - possessed art objects, mainly paintings, offers some of his many treasured items collected over a lifetime
Candle_Magick - A practitioner of the specific art of spells and magick through the use of rituals with spelled, and blessed candles. A lovely and powerfully simple way to bring magick into your everyday life.
The_Dark_Gardens - Custom bindings of more Dark or Dual entities, Succubi, Incubi, Demons, Vampires, Ifrits, Ghul Djinn, Watchers, etc... Newly bound energetics in quality vessels of sterling silver and 10k and 14k gold. Unusual and rare entities and spirits are a speciality. Gothic themed vessels and jewels are featured.
Spirits_Of_The_Light - A worker in the purest of White Light Magicks. Spells, crystals and crystal healing, Light Work, Angels and other pure White Light entities and custom matching of Guardian Angelic spirits and companions. Reiki, and light harmonics, spirit crystals, Atlantean and Lemurian crystals and skulls.
Black_Forest_Magick - A Practitioner of Old World Magicks, Traditional High Ritual and Hermetic Magicks and other schools of Western Esoteric Mystery Schools.
Black_Forest_Magick - A Practitioner of Old World Magicks, Traditional High Ritual and Hermetic Magicks and other schools of Western Esoteric Mystery Schools.
It's up to them to fill the blogs full of posts! Not sure they will be as 'gung ho' as I am!
I am having so much fun tinkering with designs on the new GOLDEN DAWN website, learning customization, etc... I think I've found a calling! Designing the new website has been fun, though now that I've learned more--and almost finished it--I started a NEW design! AND I HAVE NOT EVEN FINISHED THE FIRST!!!! I'm having some tech issues 'stocking' the store. I guess that's what tech support is for!
Please visit my friend's blogs, I'll be adding more blogs to the list very soon. I've told everyone they REALLY need a blog so expect others soon!
I am having so much fun tinkering with designs on the new GOLDEN DAWN website, learning customization, etc... I think I've found a calling! Designing the new website has been fun, though now that I've learned more--and almost finished it--I started a NEW design! AND I HAVE NOT EVEN FINISHED THE FIRST!!!! I'm having some tech issues 'stocking' the store. I guess that's what tech support is for!
Please visit my friend's blogs, I'll be adding more blogs to the list very soon. I've told everyone they REALLY need a blog so expect others soon!
My Special Love! Sitting and watching me work!

You can see the intelligence in his eyes. Our animal companions give us such unconditional love!
Aunt Maeve's and Mambo Belle's Bottles

I will be offering spells and potions from these near 100 year old practitioners of VooDoo/HooDoo and the old Earth Magicks.

These spell potion bottles are real works of magickal 'art'. See a wide variety soon offered on eBay and on our new website and webstore---www.a-new-golden-dawn.com and www.anewgoldendawn.com

Love potion charm bottle with vintage silver heart. Most bottles will come with a jewelry 'charm' to wear or carry to re-inforce the spell.

This has been an operating funeral home since the 1920's. Many people in my town have reported spirit activity and sightings over the years.

Our magick and beliefs are tiny flames in the darkness of the vast universe~blended as one they ignite into a sacred flame that will light the way out of darkness and into cosmic enlightenment.

In many cultures the skull is revered as the holder of the soul and thus is treated as a totem and object of worship and reverence.

Over the next few months I will be offering more of them out to new Seekers of the Light and though, sad to part with them, I rejoice in the thought that with each object or vessel I place, that we are one step closer to achieving the paradigm shift that will raise us to the next step of human evolution and conciousness!

Much spirit communication comes through in our dreams~we are more open to messages from the spiritual and astral planes when our mind is at rest~meditation can help us achieve this state in our 'waking' hours.
Favorite Dream Quotes
- Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. Carl Jung
- Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths. Joseph Campbell
- Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living. Anais Nin
- Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. Edgar Cayce
- Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you. Marsha Norman
- All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. Walt Disney
- Dream manfully and nobly, and thy dreams shall be prophets. Robert Bulwer-Lytton

We ALL fall from grace at certain times in our lives. The secret is to get up, dust off our wings, smooth our ruffled feathers, and leap for the heavens once more!~~~~~~From morn To noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve,— A summer’s day; and with the setting sun Dropp’d from the Zenith like a falling star. Paradise Lost. Book i. Line 742.

Gram's Visions and Synchronicity
The idea of 'synchronicity' is implicit in many of Gram's visions, your actions now will influence the outcomes of future events seeming totally unrelated. The theory of synchronicity is that seemingly unrelated events ARE interconnected, this is in direct contrast to causal relationships that are understood as simultaneous—that is, the cause and effect occur at the same time.
Synchronous events reveal an underlying pattern, a conceptual framework which encompasses, but is larger than, any of the systems which display the synchronicity. The suggestion of a larger underlying framework is essential in order to satisfy the definition of synchronicity as originally developed by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.
Jung coined the word to describe what he called "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events." Jung variously described synchronicity as an "acausal connecting principle", "meaningful coincidence" and "acausal parallelism". Jung introduced the concept as early as the 1920s but only gave a full statement of it in 1951 in an Eranos lecture and in 1952, published a paper, Synchronicity — An Acausal Connecting Principle, in a volume with a related study by the physicist (and Nobel laureate) Wolfgang Pauli.
It was a principle that Jung felt gave conclusive evidence for his concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious, in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlies the whole of human experience and history—social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Events that happen which appear at first to be coincidence but are later found to be causally related are termed as "incoincident".
Jung believed that many experiences that are coincidences due to chance, in terms of causality, suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances in terms of meaning, reflecting this governing dynamic.
One of Jung's favorite quotes on synchronicity was from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, in which the White Queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards".
What this means for you is that things you do, choices you make, no matter how unimportant they may seem in the grand scheme of things, really do matter a great deal. Sometimes more than that even! The choices influence which divergent 'path' our dimensional time line takes, some paths lead to great things but others are devastating in their out comes.
Synchronous events reveal an underlying pattern, a conceptual framework which encompasses, but is larger than, any of the systems which display the synchronicity. The suggestion of a larger underlying framework is essential in order to satisfy the definition of synchronicity as originally developed by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.
Jung coined the word to describe what he called "temporally coincident occurrences of acausal events." Jung variously described synchronicity as an "acausal connecting principle", "meaningful coincidence" and "acausal parallelism". Jung introduced the concept as early as the 1920s but only gave a full statement of it in 1951 in an Eranos lecture and in 1952, published a paper, Synchronicity — An Acausal Connecting Principle, in a volume with a related study by the physicist (and Nobel laureate) Wolfgang Pauli.
It was a principle that Jung felt gave conclusive evidence for his concepts of archetypes and the collective unconscious, in that it was descriptive of a governing dynamic that underlies the whole of human experience and history—social, emotional, psychological, and spiritual. Events that happen which appear at first to be coincidence but are later found to be causally related are termed as "incoincident".
Jung believed that many experiences that are coincidences due to chance, in terms of causality, suggested the manifestation of parallel events or circumstances in terms of meaning, reflecting this governing dynamic.
One of Jung's favorite quotes on synchronicity was from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, in which the White Queen says to Alice: "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards".
What this means for you is that things you do, choices you make, no matter how unimportant they may seem in the grand scheme of things, really do matter a great deal. Sometimes more than that even! The choices influence which divergent 'path' our dimensional time line takes, some paths lead to great things but others are devastating in their out comes.
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