It serves as an offering, a vehicle to work a spell or invoke spirits, entities or deities. It prepares the user by stimulating the senses and aiding in opening the psychic center and inducing a meditative state. Incense draws down the spirits by it's magickal association with the elements of Air as well as raising up the spell into the aether. The incense used in magick castings should reflect and complement the nature of the spell being worked.
Below is a list of the more commonly used scents used in incenses and their magickal associations as well as some of our special custom spell cast blends. It is by no means a complete list----
Amber - A warm ancient scent. Used traditionally as an offering to deities, spirits, etc... Used in invocation and evocation rituals and summonings. we use this scent in a blend for both our Djinn and Vampire incenses.
Attar of Roses - Use for love spells, attracting positivity and romance. A scent that is very beloved of Vampires, perfect for those who work with spirit vampires. Used in many of our Vampire incense blends.
Blueberry - Helps keep unwanted influences away from you, yours and your home.
Carnation - A floral scent used for healing in many traditions. Added to many of our blends. Perfect for work with Fae, Unicorn Spirits and other beings of Forest and Glade.
Forest Fantasy - Our custom spell cast blend for all things Fae-faeries, pixies, elves, etc... Unicorn Spirits too!
Cherry - Sacred to Venus, use to attract and stimulate love. Used in many of our Vampire blends.
Cinnamon -Attracts wealth and success. A Voodoo offering scent. Used in many of our Vampire and other blends.
Clove - A scent that attracts positive energies to your home. Added to many of our blends.
Coconut - Used for protection and purification in some traditions-Used for Loa offerings in Voodoo.
Erotica - Our custom blend for enhancing erotic interactions and connections with your Vampire Spirits.
Forest Fantasy - Our custom spell cast blend for all things Fae-faeries, pixies, elves, etc... Unicorn Spirits too!
Copal - Sacred to the Mayan and Aztecs among others, suitable for honoring Gods of all types. Perfect for Djinn blends and alone for invocations.
Dragon's Blood - Use to attract power and positive energies, use in working with Dragon spirits. Used in many of our blends.
Desert Winds - Our special blend of many ancient scents created just to enhance your work with Djinn/Genies.
Erotic Jasmine - Our blend for enhancing Sex Magick, Tantra practice or any magick of a sexual or erotic energy.
Frangipani - Draws to you and fills your home with friendship and love.
Heart of The Dragon - Our custom blend for any work with Dragon Spirits. Enhance meditations, use in invocations, spell cast to enhance interactions with all Dragon Spirits.
Honeysuckle - Attracts good health, good luck, and stronger psychic power. Used in our Forest Fantasy blend.
Jasmine - Use for luck in general, especially in matters relating to love, a heavy sensual scent that helps connect one with Darker or Demonic spirits and entities, a very sexual scent. Is frequently used in Djinn invocations. Vampire Spirits are fond of this scent also. Used in many of our blends. We offer a pure Jasmine scent with many erotic enhancement spells.
Knowing - Another of our special Spell Cast blends. This is to enhance your connection with Vampire all Spirits.
Lavender - Works well for attracting and pleasing Fae Folk, faeries, etc... A Voodoo 'love' scent. A Vampire favorite.
Lotus - Draws and stimulates inner peace and outer harmony, use to aid in meditation and to open the psychic third eye. Great for working with Eastern Deities.
Magick - Another custom blend we have created to enhance any and all of your magical workings. Perfect for all ritual work. Heightens and strengthens all castings, conjurations, rituals.
Musk - Use for attracting courage, vitality, to heighten sexual and sensual passion and love. A great attractant to males especially. We use it in many of our blends.
Myrrh - An ancient incense long used for offerings to the Gods, for protection, healing, purification and spirituality. Good to mix in for Djinn workings.
Passionflower - Helps bring peace of mind, this lovely scent soothes troubles and aids in sleep and dream problems.
Patchouli - A traditional, earthy scent long used in money and attraction spells. Use with Djinn.
Pine - For strength, power and to help reverse negative energies and influences. Used in our Forest Fantasy blend.
Rose - Traditionally used for love magic, to bring calm energies and positivity to the home. Beloved of Vampire Spirits. A Voodoo 'love' scent. Also used for all types of Faeries.
Sandalwood - An ancient scent used for healing and protection, for purification and many purposes in general. Good for Djinn and Eastern Magick work. Used in our blends often.
Sage - A traditional herb used in banishment and purification, cleansing rituals. We have a special Sage blend we offer.
Spice - A fiery powerful scent used for many magic workings-brings passion and excitement. Add in to blends in Voodoo and Spirit work.
'Spirit' - A created blend widely available and used in magick to help raise your vibrational energy, attract spirit guides and to honor personal deities.
Strawberry - Useful in love, luck and friendship type spells. Good for Fairy work and Faerie magick.
Total Experience - Our complete custom spell cast blend for enhancing your interactions with Vampire Spirits. To enhance communication, connection, manifestation, visualization and erotic interaction.
Tangerine/orange - Of the Sun, warm and sensual, used to attract bountiful luck and prosperity of all types. Good for Djinn blends.
'Temple' - A widely available custom blend used on the altar during ritual by many Wiccans.
Understanding - A special Spell Cast blend to enhance your communication with Vampire Spirits.
Vanilla - Greatly stimulates and draws sexual and amorous appetites, aids to enhance memory, a great attractant to males, creates and draws positive nurturing energies. Another traditional Voodoo 'love' scent.
Golden Voodoo - A Special Blend created and Blessed by Mambo Belle and the Loa to use in Voodoo 'Setting' rituals and workings of the financial type-spelled to draw money influences.
Voodoo Love Goddess - A special spell Cast creation to bring out erotic feelings in your chosen partner and enhance and even instigate your sexual interludes. Women become a 'Voodoo love Goddess' and Men a 'Voodoo love God'! An amazing blend for any Sex Magick practices.
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