Actually this is more an informative and interesting post about traditional powerful Love Binding spells used in several cultures for centuries. Not to be judgmental but this one does have a bit of an "ick" factor about it. Try it or not.
In Italian Folk Magick, certain African Traditional beliefs, Voodoo/Hoodoo and a variety of other more 'Folk' based paths, the belief is that feeding a bit of feminine 'body fluid' to your lover or desired lover will bind him more fully and irrevocably to you. Depending on which Path or which Practitioner, this can be variously, vaginal fluid or discharge, or more powerful and preferred, menstrual blood or tissue, or, even a piece of meat purposely 'seasoned' for a period of time inside of the woman's vagina.
Now I know to many of us more modern practitioners this might seem a tad bit disgusting, though really, if you practice oral sex, your partner is getting a bit of a 'spell' already aren't they? There are even those who prefer oral sex during a woman's menses. Hey, in my opinion as long as you're not harming/involving a child and animal and it's consensual, your 'kink' is YOUR business.
But back on topic-this type of spell can involve several things. It is a bit of Pheromone 'magic' or science if you will. With the vaginal fluid you are imprinting your personal pheromone 'odor' on your target. Pheromones are real, scientifically proven and work. So Folk Magick of this type is a primitive science in a manner of speaking.
But menstrual blood?
Long held in many cultures to have many and varied powers and blessings, fertility, longevity, granting of sacred wisdom... The purposed power of menstrual blood can even be traced back to the belief that it was a 'fluid of life' used by the 'Gods' or extraterrestrials who interbred with humanity. The source of Biblical longevity. A 'Holy Food' that brought health and long life, the 'fountain of youth' and even giver of divine knowledge. You might see it referred to as 'Starfire' in some writings. Powerful stuff indeed!
So Folk magic-how do you use it?
In the Depression Era, Southern US Hoodoo workers recommended to women to strain the coffee or tea of their intendeds through a pair of menstrual fluid stained under-drawers or a cloth used as a 'pad'. Coffee and Tea seems to be a consistent vehicle for the infusion, less so a warmed wine or 'hot cider'. In the Italian Folk Magic tradition coffee/tea was recommended as well. The woman was instructed to add her menstrual fluid directly into hot sweet coffee or tea. The sweetener was an inducer of a harmonious and loving relationship. A Folk Magic protection from spousal abuse you might say.
In the Voodoo/Vodun African tradition brought to the US and Caribbean via the slave trade and African Diaspora, a small piece of meat was inserted into the vagina of the woman seeking to bind her lover. After a period of time varying from one to three days it was removed and cooked along with a meal she then fed her intended. Brings a whole new meaning to a home cooked meal dinner invitation, doesn't it?
These traditions are by no means gone. Still today many practitioners use both semen and menstrual fluid in ritual. The use of a personal body fluid to bind one to another irrevocably is found in near every culture. Blood oaths, Blood 'Brothers', mingling saliva, spitting, etc... is all common. So is it out of line to use feminine fluids for Love Bindings?
So Ladies, make him yours forever!