I really had not intended on posting about this topic ever again as it's just so negative and frankly I'm tired of it.
But a few things have arisen that I feel the need to comment on. I have recently found out that one of the main reasons for the hatefulness, false postings in my name, and the false reports being made about me, supposedly from 'customers', that are being spewed forth on the Pissed Consumer site has at it's root a fellow eBayer who thinks it's her 'mission' to email competitors and 'name names' of other sellers who have allegedly transgressed against them. She makes up bold faced lies and points accusatory fingers with out a shred of proof.
After talking among ourselves, and comparing notes after a 'Peace Truce' brokered by the person who started the Metaphysical Peace blog, several of us, sellers and buyers, have realized WHO caused all the problems. This goes all the way back to the original Metaphysical Metafraud Blog that attacked eBay seller Moonstar7spirits and others. There has been much hateful behavior and many have been smeared and set against one another. This goes for buyers and sellers alike. What drives this negative person I do not know, but more and more people are realizing exactly WHO is trying to tear our category apart by many methods.
Those of you who may have seen the Von Strepple Website a couple weeks ago will realize exactly how serious this all became with their posts against me. BUT, and a big BUT here, we talked, thanks to the Peace Blog author and made our final and real peace and a big realization came forth from all this. One person(and perhaps a few of her followers) is behind much of the turmoil of the last few months and which, thanks to her pure negativity and condemnation of other metaphysical sellers, still continues today. Her many negative guides criticizing other sellers reveals the sheer narcissistic EGO of this woman.
She has been exposed by a non-eBay related investigation and it's out there on the web. Read these two blog websites carefully and fully. (NOTE: AS OF TODAY AUG 15th SHE HAS CHANGED HER EBAY USER ID BECAUSE OF ALL THE BAD PRESS SHE HAS BEEN GETTING.) A real eye-opener for many of us. This non-eBayer blog author. Joe Moreno, makes a very strong case for this eBay seller who I will refer to as 'True Ghost' being the REAL author behind the Metrafraud blog that named a HALL OF SHAME list of eBay sellers that included me. It seems ALL this turmoil, hatred, and nastiness was the result of ONE sellers IMMENSE ego and probably Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
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