I want to share something I'm VERY excited about!
On 09/09/09 we will be doing a huge magick casting at a gathering at Mount Shasta, California not far from where I live! That date is a 'Power Date' to many people of many differing beliefs and Mount Shasta figures highly in some of those belief systems. From Native Americans, to Atlantis, to Lemuria, Crystal Energy Grids, Lightworkers, to UFO's and Extraterrestrials, Mount Shasta's mythos encompasses them all.
Regardless of exact ideas, all agree on one thing, Mount Shasta is a Sacred and Powerful ancient magickal place. Read some of these websites to gain a small glimpse into some of the many paranormal and historical beliefs and magickal background of this mighty Sacred mountain. HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE. For even more simply type MOUNT SHASTA in any search engine.
On that powerful and magick day, Sept. 9, 2009 there will be an amazing gathering of practitioners, adepts, and magickans at this sacred and powerfully energetic location. We gather to cast many spells and work much magick, for ourselves, for others, and for the world in general.
It has been decided to honor the magick number of NINE on the power date of 999. On Mount Shasta 9 Elders accompanied by 99 adepts and supported by 999 practitioners spread around the globe, will create a gathering of magick the likes of which the world has seldom seen! I am so very honored that I have been asked to be one of the 99 Adepts. Several of my Gram's friends will be among the 9 Elders and some among the 99. By utilizing the power of that day, and the ancient power of the mountain, blended with the awesome strength of so many Practitioners of many various occult and ritual magick disciplines, it is hoped that the magick worked will be be awesomely powerful in it's intensity.
As an added plus, I'm being allowed to offer a few of my customers powerful spells cast on their behalf that day. I will be listing those limited number of opportunities on eBay very soon!
I will be adding to this post very soon!
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