BUT, I do not believe it is EGO alone that drives one eBay seller/practitioner to condemn the beliefs of another, though this is an important factor, especially with certain sellers. The other reason is financial pure and simple. By making it appear as some are not as forthright and truthful, as learned, or as powerful as others, this tips the scale in the favor of the one who reveals the alleged 'information' or dis-information as the case may be.
This is not to say that true fraud should not be revealed, but who is to judge what constitutes fraud in our field. Because beliefs on the metaphysical differ or vary greatly, this does not constitute fraud by one or the other. Lying about ones background or experience may constitute fraud, depending on the reasons behind the deception. Not revealing one's true name or location does not constitute fraud, just caution in today's Internet and privacy driven world. Lying about one's true experience, if one lacks any real magickal experience is certainly fraud on some levels.
My point here is this, for one seller to criticize another for differing beliefs is something more than likely done by one who seeks not just peer approval but financial gain as well. Real evidence of fraud is not something easy to define or to find. Any guides, blogs, forum posts, etc... that blithely declare fraud should be looked at with an open mind. Examine the evidence, IF any real evidence is submitted, and make up your own mind based on proof NOT rumor or supposition. Ours is a rumor driven society and sadly in our world of instant media, rumor quickly becomes accepted as fact.
Buddha: Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you yourself test and judge to be true.
Harry Emerson Fosdick: The fact that astronomies change while the stars abide is a true analogy of every realm of human life and thought, religion not least of all. No existent theology can be a final formulation of spiritual truth. The Living of These Days, 1956
Here is an interesting and thought provoking forum that I was drawn into that illustrates some of my points---PISSED CONSUMER
Lately someone/ones have been posting about me as well as posting in my name.
UPDATE: Saturday August 15---I have added a separate post about this ongoing problem and how many of the Pissed Consumer(and other sites too) ultra negative posts were and are being manipulated by ONE person, who, though not the writer on all, has goaded others into behaving in this manner by sending lying emails to various parties. Many of us that were at odds have now come together and talked and a big realization of the manipulation has come forth. Please! DO NOT let one ultra negative and borderline mentally ill personality disorder afflicted individual bring us down to this level.
UPDATE : Sunday July 12----This site above-Pissed Consumer, has become one where a few immature and very negative posters are attempting to discredit me with silly inane posts. I find it funny actually and feel great sadness for the darkness in their souls that causes them to post the made up nastiness they do. Some posts are even being made in my name but it's apparent to any rational person who reads them that it is not me. The bad thing about that site is that ANYONE can post under ANY NAME!
I have stated this in an earlier post but to reiterate, I am NOT the one who investigated any other sellers to expose them as liars, fakes, frauds or whatever. After I saw the info I did check it out myself just like many others did and I DID find it compelling BUT I am NOT the one who compiled the info or started ANY investigation against ANYONE.
I Do use my real info on my accounts, I DO live in Marysville BUT NOT with any of my family members as posted by 'someone' who falsely claims they know me. I DO live next door to my antique shop. I do NOT have a son or ANY other children. I do NOT have five, or ANY ex-husbands, only my one who has passed. I am NOT from the Bronx, I'm a native Californian.
My REAL name and PHONE # are listed in the phone book AND on my antiques listings on eBay. I many times have a widget on my metaphysical auctions showing my antique selling account and when not, I DO state that I sell antiques under another ID and will give it to any who contact me. I have done this SINCE DAY ONE as A_NEW_GOLDEN_DAWN on ALL my listings under that ID.
My close family, INCLUDING my father and close friends all know about my metaphysical sites and my 'GIFT'-we discuss it all the time. IN FACT several of them have 'The Gift' and/or are practitioners also. My mother, before she passed away had planned to work WITH me on eBay. She knew very well about my abilities to see and communicate with spirits, I inherited these abilities from BOTH her and my Grandmother.
I am NOT any of the seller friends they accused me of being. I AM a seller of antiques on eBay, I have just recently registered a few names on eBay to sell ON CONSIGNMENT, spells, potions, energetic items, magickals, etc... from some of my Grams elderly practitioner friends who do not use computers. I may or may not use these ID's and may choose to offer their items on my A_NEW_GOLDEN_DAWN account only.
I am NOT the eBay sellers TheDarkNecro, Old_Blue_Dog, Silver_cup, Treasures_from_the_Mystic_World, Garage_Producer, etc... These are SEPARATE INDIVIDUALS now selling on eBay as anyone who has purchased from them can attest to.
All of this info is stuff I have posted on my blog previously or on forum posts but these negative and troubled poster/posters seem to be trying to present it as 'secret' information on me they 'just discovered'.
I do not totally hide my beliefs from the local populace in my town, but I do not advertise them either. Many of my shop customers DO know my beliefs. Sometimes, though it may be cowardly of me, I do say I'm an Atheist just to not get caught up in 'Satanic' discussions -- as some hard core fundamentalists believe all alternate beliefs to be based in.
Our town and surrounding area has a flourishing albeit somewhat hidden population of practitioners and believers. I would love to open a true metaphysical shop here but the one that did open in a local mall several years ago caused such a stir a picket line and boycott of the entire mall was organized by a large local church. The shop soon closed and it was not even a true metaphysical shop, more of a Pagan themed gift shop.
I am not upset by the postings and accusations being made against me, I consider the source, but I do take exception to the removal of my forum posts to censor my answers to them. You see, I have nothing to fear because unlike some, I have no hidden or secret past, nor one concocted to make me seem a more legitimate or mysterious person. I will continue to post here as items are removed or silly claims made. You see I truly feel that the more these individuals reveal their silliness, immaturity, and negativity, the more people see their true 'faces'.
I will never run about claiming to be 'defamed' or 'stalked' like some as I realize these few very negative posters are just sad, lame, desperate individuals who live to spread dissension. Whether they do this to increase their own sales by putting down other sellers or just as troublemakers, that's for others to figure out.
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