I'm a middle aged woman "DESPERATE to take over the metaphysical category". (Come on now! THAT HURT!!! LOL!) Gee if that were true then I think I would have more things listed. Sounds like they're talking about that other seller and not me. Funny how the creators of the nastiest blog on metaphysics I have ever seen, posting pictures of children and calling them fat, peoples underwear size and the like can be offended at anything.
These people need to get over themselves. I created this blog just to thumb my nose at them in the first place. They put my name on their stupid 'shame list' and called me a Creepy Hollows 'affiliate', it was funny! They thought it was something important to show the seller under attacks house , I showed mine to show everyone of how little importance that is. They made fun of her teenage daughter and still do with a picture of her in a dunce cap. I showed my animal 'children'. I even emailed them my personal info-told them my phone # was listed in the phone book and they were welcome to call me or whatever.
You see, that's the thing, readers see all the bombastic and dramatics in their postings but don't see reality. So what I have multiple ID's on eBay? They are all registered in my REAL name with ALL the same contact info. It's not like I could use them for nefarious purposes. On one of them I sold a few pairs of stinky shoes to the fetish 'wellworn' crowd. It was a dare from a friend and a great funny joke. I still have that ID. I have a couple of 'silly' name ID's for posting on the eBay forums, one is 'sockpuppet' something. WOW! Shoot me! Posting ID's are recommended for that. I have my longtime main ID where I sell art and antiques. I've never hidden that. I even posted the eBay widget with that ID on my a_new_golden_dawn auctions for months.
What really gets me is all the talk about fakes and frauds by people that only accept their own beliefs. It's like hardcore Christian fundamentalists saying everyone is damned if they don't believe one way, their way! There are many fields of metaphysical, paranormal, and New age study, MANY DIFFERENT BELIEFS. Who is this ebay guide writing seller to say ANYONE is a charlatan?
The ones who should and do make the decisions on genuineness are the buyers and collectors. Of course there is always that small group within any crowd that is easily manipulated.
I offer 100% money back, not this other seller. What does that say about the difference between us. I use my REAL address and listed phone number, it seems this other seller does not, I use my REAL name not a psuedenum. What do I have to hide except some of those embarrassing little things we all have. I have no criminal history, no secret past.
I hope these people realize how of little importance they all are in my life, although I do find it amusing to read their CRAP.
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